Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Ahhh....good ole tradition...we have many in my house, here are a few.

~PSALMS-Every morning, after most everyone is finished with breakfast, my dad reads a Psalm.

~BIB STO AKA: BIBLE STORY-When we have time, in the evenings my dad will read a part of whatever book in the bible we are reading, then we pray and sing a hymn.

~CRANBERRIES-On Thanksgiving, before we eat, everyone passes the pot around the table and places their cranberry in and says something they are thankful for.

~MOVIE TIME-At some point in the "Christmas Season" we all watch the well-known, well-loved, A Christmas Story.

~ADVENT-During the season of Advent, we all take turns reading the passages in the bible.

~WELCOMING CHRISTMAS-After Thanksgiving dinner, while we're doing the dishes, we play Christmas music for the first time that year.

~SHOPPING SPREE-Before school starts, and before summer begins, my mom and I go on an all-day shopping trip:).

~MR. PEW-In the summer, my dad and I go on many bike rides. Sometimes we bike through the college. On campus, there is a copper statue of Mr. Pew, the man who a building was named after. Whenever we bike passed, we always go say hi to him:).


1 comment:

  1. well, After seeing A Christmas Carol, I hated the movie. But now we are reading the book in school, & I'm starting to like it a little more. :) (:


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